What is ISO 14064

ISO 14064 is the internationally recognised standard for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Quantification and Reporting, focusing on transparent and accurate measurement, reporting, and verification of greenhouse gas emissions. This standard helps organisations understand and manage their environmental impact, while contributing to global sustainability efforts. 
ISO 14064 applies a standard methodology for quantifying GHG emissions, and allows third party verification of those emission so enhancing the credibility of your carbon report. This standard helps organisations to identify and develop GHG emission reduction strategies, track performance against a calculated baseline and transition to a low carbon economy. 
By applying ISO 14064, organisations can better manage their carbon footprint, reduce environmental risks, and contribute to global efforts in mitigating climate change. 

What are the benefits of ISO 14064? 

Commitment to climate change mitigation: demonstrates a clear commitment to internal and external stakeholders 
Establish reliable carbon quantification: transparent and robust quantification methods give assurance to stakeholders. 
Cost savings: Reduce energy consumption and promotes efficiency in all processes. 
Support your ISO 14001 Environmental Management System 

Steps to getting ISO 14064 verification 

Prepare: determine the boundaries of your organisation (what is being verified), identify your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission and collate data on emissions. 
Determine: Use your collated data to determine your GHG emissions. Deliver your action plan to align your practices with ISO 9001. This may include the setting strategic quality objectives, development and implementation of policies and procedures, refining your systems, training your team, carrying out a management review and internal audit. 
Report: Publish your GHG inventory report, ensuring it is consistent with the reporting requirements of the standard, is transparent and accurate. 
3rd Party Verification - Stage 1 (Pre-Verification): Your chosen verification body determines your readiness for full verification. 
3rd Party Verification - Stage 2 (Verification): Your chosen verification body will carry out a full review of your GHG inventory against the requirements of the standard.  

ISO 14064 FAQ's 

A: ISO 14064 is the internationally recognized standard for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Quantification and Reporting. The five key principles of this standard are relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy. 
A: Achieving ISO 14064 not only demonstrates your commitment to managing your carbon footprint to your stakeholders, but also allows you to identify areas of inefficiency and energy 'hot-spots' in your organisation. Verification also demonstrates transparency in your declared carbon footprint. 
A: While there are a number of protocols for calculating your carbon footprint, the most common one being the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, there is a lack of external scrutiny. ISO 14064 verification means that your identification of emissions, data gathering and GHG emissions calculations have been scrutinised by a third party, assuring your stakeholders of the robustness of your carbon reporting. 
A: Your carbon footprint is the quantification of greenhouse gases emitted by direct or indirect effect of your organisation and its activities.  
The greenhouse gases considered when determining your carbon footprint include Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorcarbons (HFC's), Perfluorocarbons (PFC's), and Sodium Hexafluoride (SF6). These are quantified then converted to Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Units (CO2e) using factors based on their Global-Warming Potential  
A: Scope 1 are emissions from sources that your organisation owns or controls directly (eg burning fuel to provide heating). Scope 2 are emissions that a produced indirectly (eg from electricity purchased from the National Grid). Scope 3 are indirect emissions that occur as part of your organisation using purchased goods and services. ISO 14064 requires you to identify only significant Scope 3 emissions. 
A: Once you have a set of data verified to ISO 14064 that verification does not expire, however the verification is only valid for the data set examined at verification. Organisations are encouraged to re-verify their emissions annually to track changes and maintain accuracy. Where an organisation does not seek verification for specific years, they should regularly update their greenhouse gas inventories to reflect current emissions data.