What is ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), founded on principles of strong leadership, risk management, continuous improvement, and compliance with regulatory requirements. By applying these principles, organisations can safeguard sensitive information, enhance security practices, and ensure business continuity, while fostering a culture of ongoing risk management and resilience. 
ISO 27001 offers a flexible framework that can be tailored to the unique needs of any organisation, from small businesses to large enterprises. The standard doesn't prescribe specific operational methods but ensures that your information security management processes are designed to effectively protect your valuable data and mitigate potential risks. 

What are the benefits of ISO 27001? 

Proactive information security management: protect sensitive data through robust process and procedures. 
Enhanced Security: Safeguard critical information, boost trust with clients, and strengthen organizational resilience. 
Proactive Risk Management: Use data-driven insights to identify potential risks, mitigate threats, and ensure reliable security practices. 
Minimise interruptions: robust emergency planning means allows for quick and effective action in event of data breach 
Continuous Growth: Foster a culture of improvement, adapt to market changes, and drive innovation. 

Steps to getting ISO 27001 certification 

Every organisation has their own unique way of implementing ISO 27001, tailored specifically to their business. However, there are some common steps to achieving certification. 
Carry out a Gap Analysis to asses your current management system against the requirements of ISO 27001. Develop and action plan to address the gaps and bring your practices in line with the standard. 
Deliver your action plan to align your practices with ISO 27001. This may include the setting strategic quality objectives, development and implementation of policies and procedures, refining your systems, training your team, carrying out a management review and internal audit. 
Stage 1 Certification Audit - your chosen certification body will review the scope of your management system and assess your readiness for certification.  
Address any areas of improvement identified at Stage 1 Certification Audit and continue to implement your management system, building up evidence of compliance. 
Stage 2 Certification Audit - your chose certification body will evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of your management system, and will make a recommendation for certification 
Once your have gained certification, you need to continue the implementation and development of your ISMS. You will typically be subject to an annual surveillance audit carried out by your certification body to ensure your ISMS continues to meet the requirements of ISO 27001. 
ISO 27001 Certification is awarded for a period of three years; your certification body will carry out a full certification audit after three years to full examine the ISMS. 
Remember to promote your ISO 27001 certification - it demonstrates a commitment to best practices and continual improvement, helping you win new business and gives assurance to stakeholders. 

ISO 27001 FAQ's 

A: The key principles of ISO 27001 are leadership; risk management; confidentiality, integrity and availability; compliance; and continuous improvement. 
A: There is no legal obligation to achieve compliance with ISO 27001, but it is becoming increasingly important in supply chains. Across many industries, ISO 27001 compliance or certification is a common demand during the tendering process. 
Implementing ISO 27001 opens up more opportunities for business growth, allowing you to access more potential clients and new sectors. Achieving ISO 27001 means your business has a well-documented ISMS, and you are able to address questions during the tendering process easily. 
A: To achieve ISO 27001 certification, you must engage an ISO 27001 certification body and pass an audit that looks for evidence that your ISMS is in place and meets the certification standards. Our partner organisation can help you select a certification body that meets the needs of your business. 
A: A certification body provides independent third party recognition of your compliance with ISO 27001. When choosing an certification body, you need to consider if they are accredited by UKAS or not. Be aware that some supply chains insist on UKAS accredited awarding bodies for ISO 27001 certification. 
A: Certification lasts for three years (subject to the outcome of surveillance audits). During those three years you will need to carry out internal audits of your ISMS and be subject to surveillance audits by your certification body. At the end of the three year period, you will go through a re-certification audit similar to the stage 2 certification audit. 
A: ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management Systems